Welcome Message from OECM’s President and CEO, John Sabo | Spring/Summer 2020

Welcome to our Spring/Summer edition of the OECM Connection, our quarterly newsletter for OECM customers, supplier partners and others interested in collaborative sourcing and OECM. Since the launch of our last newsletter and in just a few short months, we have been faced with unprecedented challenges brought on by the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Here at OECM, we prioritized the health and well-being of our employees, quickly implementing various ‘work from home’ measures while maintaining business continuity to support our customers and supplier partners, as we navigate this new ‘socially distanced’ environment together.
We have shared up-to-the-minute supplier partner news and information via our weekly COVID-19 customer newsletter, working to encourage collaboration, facilitate two-way lines of communication and provide support during this time. Over the past few weeks, we’ve also highlighted the various impacts that COVID-19 is having on the global supply chain and how OECM’s supplier partners are responding. Supply chains have been facing high levels of volatility and disruption, and we continue to work closely with our partners to understand and communicate collaborative processes and help mitigate the effects.
It’s clear that the COVID-19 crisis has changed the ways in which we conduct business and our economic outlook – but, we at OECM are confident that our collaborative approach and collective efforts will see us through.
As always, we invite you to share your thoughts on our third edition of the OECM Connection. If there are ways that we can better meet your needs, articles that would resonate more deeply with you and your colleagues, or content you’d like to contribute or share, please don’t hesitate to let us know!
Thank you for your ongoing interest and support of OECM, and we look forward to our continued collaboration with you.
John A. Sabo B.Math; M.Ed; M.FAc; CPA,CA; C.Dir; A.C.C.
President & Chief Executive Officer