Our Supplier Partners
Who are our supplier partners?
Our supplier partners consist of a broad cross-section of companies, ranging from local, family-run businesses to global brands, all of which provide high quality, competitively priced products and services. All our supplier partners have passed our rigorous, open, fair and transparent procurement process. All current supplier partners are showcased in our Marketplace.
Supplier Partnership
There are numerous benefits to doing business with OECM and clear advantages to becoming a supplier partner. These include:
Expand your market by providing your OECM contracted products and services to Ontario’s education sector and other BPS organizations.

Take advantage of OECM’s collaborative sourcing process and get support in promoting your products and services to the sector. OECM will be your partner in managing contracts with our customers to ensure effective collaboration amongst customers and suppliers.
Showcase your expertise with leading edge and emerging technologies, products, services and practices.

Reduce your costs by responding to fewer sourcing competitions (e.g. one RFP accessed by all of our customers versus multiple individual RFPs).
Showcase your commitment to service excellence by providing a high value customer experience to Ontario’s BPS.

How it Works
Get Started as a Supplier Partner
OECM’s sourcing process is rigorous, open, fair and transparent to ensure compliance with the Broader Public Sector (BPS) Procurement Directive and the trade agreements.
OECM posts all RFx on the Ontario Tenders Portal (OTP) Jaggaer with notices of opportunities posted on MERX™ and Biddingo. In order to be considered as an OECM Supplier Partner, you must be a successful proponent resulting from the RFx process. More information on the OECM RFx Process can be found here.

1Submit Your RFx Response
For upcoming projects, please monitor MERX™ and Biddingo for supplier consultation requests by OECM. To be considered in the RFP process, all suppliers must submit their proposal before the closing date/time as posted in OTP Jaggaer. At the RFP closing time, OTP will close supplier access to the RFP.

2Review of your RFx Response

3Sign a Master Agreement
Supplier Recognition Program (SRP)
OECM’s Supplier Recognition Program (SRP) is one of the first recognition programs in Ontario’s public sector. Piloted in 2019 as an integral first step in strengthening OECM’s relationships with Supplier Partners and driving greater performance, the SRP aims to drive long-term performance improvements by recognizing and motivating Supplier Partners to deliver continued savings, value, choice, and service to our Customers.
OECM is pleased to announce our 2024 Supplier Recognition Program to continue acknowledging top-performing Supplier Partners for their exceptional service and overall value to OECM customers.
Building upon the success of SRP in previous years, OECM will continue to objectively evaluate Supplier Partner performance through 2024 using an open, fair, and transparent framework.
What’s New for 2024 SRP?
In response to valuable feedback from OECM Supplier Partners and Customers, and our commitment to continuous improvement, the following enhancements have been made to the 2024 SRP:
- New Evaluation Methodology
The new Supplier Partner evaluation methodology will be based on meeting five key Evaluation Criteria: Spend/Savings, Customer Excellence, Business Growth, Strategic Alignment, and Compliance. - New Diamond Recognition
This new category is designed to recognize Supplier Partners who met all the Evaluation Criteria in the 2024 SRP, demonstrating strong alignment with OECM’s strategic growth objectives, and delivering exceptional performance and value to our Customers.
OECM’s SRP will now award Supplier Partner performance in the following Recognition Levels: - Single Recognition for Supplier Partners with Multiple Awarded Agreements
Supplier Partners with multiple awarded agreements will now receive a single recognition level based on their overall performance across all agreements, rather than each agreement separately.
Comprehensive details of the 2024 SRP enhancements can be found in the 2024 Supplier Recognition Program Guidebook.
All Supplier Partners with an active OECM agreement in 2024 are automatically enrolled in the 2024 SRP.
Program Timeline
Ongoing customer feedback and evaluation from January to December
SRP Guidebook
Capturing Customer Feedback
Customer feedback is now a significant Evaluation Criteria in the new evaluation methodology. To assist capturing feedback, supplier partners can share the following Supplier Performance Satisfaction Survey link with Customers.
2023 Supplier Recognition Program Results
Congratulations to the awarded Supplier Partners who have received recognition in the 2023 Supplier Recognition Program, including 15 Special Awards (Environmental Award, Social Impact Award, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award), 62 Platinum, 55 Gold, and 52 Silver award recipients.
Thank you for your dedication to providing our customers with savings, value, choice, and exceptional service.
Code of Conduct
OECM’s Marketplace of products and services is constantly growing, and so too, are our partnerships with a broad cross-section of supplier partners. To build upon these partnerships, OECM has introduced a Supplier Code of Conduct (SCC). Based on OECM’s core values, the SCC has been developed to ensure that all supplier partners adhere to a set standard when conducting business in the OECM Marketplace.
By promoting these standards and applying measures to ensure compliance, OECM demonstrates its intention to partner with suppliers that operate in a manner that is congruent with its core values.
For more information, please contact supplierpartner@oecm.ca.
Search Suppliers
As OECM’s Marketplace of products and services grows so does our list of supplier partners.