905 Badke Rd.
Kelowna, British Columbia V1X 5Z5

StudyForge, Digital Curriculum

Remote learning often gets a bad name for being boring and ineffective.

At the end of the day, it’s all about the content students are interacting with.

We’ve built our award-winning library of courses around the best research in the cognitive load model of learning. Our courses capture student’s attention so they can’t wait to log in.

As eLearning teachers, we’ve felt the pain when students check out before they reach out.

Learning Management Systems don’t give the entire picture of how students interact with their courses, so StudyForge has built powerful tools to help you personalize your interactions with students and to reach out to them on time. Students in our courses feel noticed by their teachers.

StudyForge has been serving online schools across Canada and the US providing high quality digital math and science curriculum since 2012. Our courses are 100% video based and have everything you need to run an effective eLearning program including:

  • Video Instruction
  • Interactive Practice
  • Assignments
  • Quizzes
  • Tests
  • Projects

StudyForge courses can be used on their own or through single sign on with your LMS.

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