Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Business Reviews

As a customer-driven organization, OECM strives to ensure that we consistently acknowledge and prioritize the needs of our customers. Our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) team regularly conducts one-on-one Business Review meetings with our customers to provide an open and transparent communication channel between customers and OECM. These sessions align with OECM’s customer-centric service delivery strategy and provide an opportunity for customers to ensure their organizations are driving maximum value from OECM’s agreements.

Throughout the year, CRM representatives schedule sessions with our customers to provide updates to OECM agreements, discuss the organization’s participation in our Marketplace, and gather their insights and feedback. Recently, we implemented a new Microsoft Power BI-based tracker to provide quick and visually appealing data, including spend trends, Customer Supplier Agreements (CSAs), and information related to upcoming sourcing initiatives OECM will be undertaking. Microsoft Power BI is an interactive data software that helps display data and insights through graphs, charts, tables, and other visualization tools. OECM is committed to utilizing technology to enhance the overall customer experience.

If you wish to connect with us or to schedule a Business Review with one of our CRM team representatives, please contact our Customer Support team or call us at 1-844-OECM (6326)-900.

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