How long does OECM post their RFX opportunities for?

OECM posts RFX opportunities for a minimum of thirty (30) calendar days on a public electronic tendering platform.

Under CFTA there is no minimum posting time required. The posting time must be reasonable in the circumstances of the RFX opportunity.

Under CETA open procurement opportunities must be posted for a minimum of forty (40) calendar days. However, in accordance with Article 19.10 – Time Period, OECM may reduce posting time by a total of fifteen (15) days as bids are posted electronically (5 days), all documents are available electronically from the date of notice of publication (5 days) and received electronically (5 days).

In addition, OECM engages the supplier market in the procurement planning stage via supplier consultations and issues a notice of procurement in advance of the upcoming RFX opportunities.

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