OECM Announces CEO Retirement and Executive Search

October 2, 2023

John Sabo to retire as OECM’s President and CEO by June 30, 2024; Board of Directors Commence Search to Identify Successor

Toronto, ON – Following a distinguished career spanning nearly four decades in the public sector, John Sabo will retire by June 30, 2024, after serving over 8 years as President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of OECM. John informed OECM’s Board of Directors (the Board) of his intention to retire this past June, kicking off plans for the search for OECM’s next President and CEO. To ensure a smooth transition, John will continue to serve in his role until the Board has identified and appointed a successor.

“On behalf of the Board, I want to thank John and extend my deepest appreciation for his exceptional vision and steadfast leadership over the last eight years,” says Dr. F. Haider Alvi, Chair of the Board. “With skill, passion, and dedication, John has guided the OECM team, establishing a strong foundation for future business growth and long-term sustainability and elevating OECM’s position as the premier customer-driven supply management partner for Ontario’s education sector and broader public sector.”

Since 2016, John has been the prime agent and catalyst for leading OECM on an ambitious transformation agenda, resulting in substantial growth in collaborative spend, ongoing financial sustainability, added value for OECM’s supplier partners, and customers, and continued service excellence. Under his leadership, OECM has achieved tremendous success, most significantly reaching $4 billion in accumulated collaborative spend, and realizing a record 300 percent increase in customer growth during his tenure.

“I have always been passionate about the value of collaborative ventures and transformative initiatives that fit ‘outside the box’, says Sabo. “I am proud to leave OECM with a strong infrastructure and on a steady path for continued growth and success in delivering service, choice, savings and value to Ontario’s communities.”

Steadfast in demonstrating the power of collaboration, John has successfully spearheaded several strategic initiatives to solidify OECM’s partnerships with provincial government partners, including the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Colleges and Universities, and Supply Ontario, fostering connections with provincial and national group purchasing organizations and shared services entities, and enhancing relationships with customers, supplier partners, and stakeholders across the Province.

“John is retiring at a time where there continues to be new opportunities for growth, innovation and expansion,” adds Dr. Alvi. “The Board is confident in OECM’s position as a trusted not-for-profit collaborative sourcing partner in Ontario and we look forward to forging a strong relationship with John’s successor as we continue to support this momentum and help drive long-term growth and value creation.”

In August, the Board appointed an Executive Search Committee and initiated an RFP process to retain an executive recruitment firm to assist with the search for OECM’s next President and CEO. It has since engaged Odgers Berndtson Canada Inc., a leading firm with a proven track record of success, to oversee the search. Additional information about the recruitment effort will be communicated at a later date. In order to facilitate a comprehensive process, the Board will evaluate a diverse range of candidates, working closely with John to build on the strong foundation and legacy of work that he leaves behind while setting the stage for OECM’s next phase.

“As I embark on the next chapter of my life with increased focus on my family, I reflect on OECM’s remarkable staff, and on colleagues and peers who are working to realize the value of collaborative strategic sourcing towards the betterment of Ontario’s public sector services and offerings. I am committed to working closely with the Board and my successor to ensure a smooth transition and to keep our positive momentum on track,” concludes Sabo.

OECM’s President and CEO represents OECM externally, develops and nurtures relationships with customers, supplier partners and stakeholders representing the interests of the public sector including educational institutions, healthcare facilities, social and community services, government ministries and agencies, the Legislative Assembly, municipalities and related service organizations, Crown corporations, First Nations federal agencies, Indigenous organizations and communities, other not-for-profit organizations, shared service organizations, and more, and creates strategic partnerships that align with and help advance the organization’s mission, vision and values. Learn more about OECM.

For further information on the CEO transition, please contact OECM’s Director of Communications and Customer Relations, Sonia Gallo at sonia.gallo@oecm.ca or 416-200-3896.

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