OECM’s Board of Directors Appoints Jim Hadjiyianni as New President and CEO

May 29, 2024

Jim Hadjiyianni profile photo

Toronto, ON – Following an extensive executive search, OECM’s Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Jim Hadjiyianni, OECM’s current Vice President of Supply Management and Business Development, as the new President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), effective July 1st, 2024. Jim, who joined OECM in 2020, will take over from John Sabo who retires on June 30th after serving over eight years as OECM’s President and CEO.

“On behalf of the Board, I am pleased to announce the appointment of Jim Hadjiyianni as our new President and CEO as we continue to forge a strong path forward for OECM and its customers, supplier partners and stakeholders,” says Dr. F. Haider Alvi, Chair of the Board, OECM. “Jim emerged as the clear choice to succeed John and lead the organization into a future of innovation and growth. His track record of successful leadership, combined with his strong industry knowledge and commitment to excellence, make him the ideal candidate to drive OECM forward and we are confident that under his stewardship, the organization will thrive and continue to play a vital role as the premier customer-driven supply management partner for Ontario’s broader public sector.”

With over 25 years of progressive public and private sector experience, with a focus on strategic planning, transformation, and implementation, Jim brings a wealth of industry knowledge, strong sector relationships, and leadership expertise to his new role.

“I am honoured to assume this new role as OECM’s President and CEO, and I am excited about our organization’s bright future,” says Jim Hadjiyianni. “I look forward to continuing to work diligently with our Board of Directors, our executive and senior leadership teams, and all our staff as we explore new avenues for innovation and collaboration, enhance our value proposition, and lead OECM’s transformation into a more focused, growth-driven and sustainable business.”

Jim’s professional experience includes working with Canadian Tire Corporation, and as a consultant with Accenture, all within their Supply Chain practices. He also spent close to 20 years with the Ontario Public Service, where he held progressively senior roles with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Labour, and the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services. Jim was the Director of Strategic Procurement Services with the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services, leading complex transformational initiatives, founded on key principles related to service excellence, relationship building, and organizational performance. Since joining OECM in 2020, Jim has played an essential role within the organization, directing several strategic initiatives to support and drive business growth, increase partnerships with sector leaders, boost relationships with government entities, and bring forward the value of collaborative procurement while enhancing OECM’s position across the broader public sector.

“Jim’s strong business acumen and leadership capabilities will benefit OECM as it advances in its mission to deliver service, choice, savings and value to Ontario’s communities,” says John Sabo. “As I embark on my next chapter and transition leadership duties to Jim, I do so knowing that OECM is in capable hands and I look forward to watching as OECM continues on its strong trajectory of success.”

With Jim at the helm, OECM will focus its efforts on continuing to build on a strong foundation and legacy of work while setting the stage for its next phase which includes executing a growth strategy driven by operational excellence, supported by OECM’s diverse supplier partners, world-class talent development, and customer expansion.

“The evolution and significant expansion of OECM’s offerings, products and services over the last eight years has been truly remarkable – and I want to thank John for his leadership of OECM during this time. The Board is confident in OECM’s position as a trusted not-for-profit collaborative sourcing partner in Ontario, and we look forward to strengthening our well-established relationship with Jim as we continue to support OECM’s momentum and drive long-term growth and value,” adds Dr. Alvi.

OECM’s Board of Directors would like to extend its thanks to Odgers Berndtson Canada Inc., and the Executive Search Committee for their comprehensive efforts in identifying the ideal successor to lead OECM, uphold the interests of its customers, supplier partners and stakeholders, and drive growth, innovation and transformation toward the betterment of Ontario’s public sector services and offerings.

OECM’s President and CEO represents OECM externally, develops and nurtures relationships with customers, supplier partners and stakeholders representing the interests of the public sector including educational institutions, healthcare facilities, social and community services, government ministries and agencies, municipalities and related service organizations, Crown corporations, First Nations federal agencies, Indigenous organizations and communities, other not-for-profit organizations, shared service organizations, and more; and creates strategic partnerships that align with and help advance the organization’s mission, vision and values. Learn more about OECM.

For further information on the CEO transition, please contact OECM’s Vice President of Communications and Customer Relations, Sonia Gallo at sonia.gallo@oecm.ca or 416-200-3896.

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