OECM’s Strategic Plan: Vision 2020 Update

With 2020 now underway, OECM is pleased to report strong and steady progress towards the delivery of our renewed Strategic Plan and vision for shaping the future of collaborative procurement in Ontario.

We have developed a more integrated procurement value chain model that leverages our proven ability to drive savings, choice and service. Our vision is deeply aligned with the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services’ (MGCS) objectives for the Supply Chain Centralization Initiative (SCCI) and we continue to service an even greater number of education sector, publicly funded organizations, not-for-profit and municipal customers.

We have also developed a socialization plan to help us engage with key stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers and government, inform them of OECM’s new strategic direction and provide updates on progress and amendments to our strategic planning initiative as developments arise. With this engagement plan in progress we look forward to uncovering even more opportunities for transformation and collaboration.

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