134 Peter Street, Suite 1302, 13th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M5V 2H2

Ai-Media Canada Inc.

Ai-Media is an international supplier, Since founded in 2003 with the goal of making all content accessible and promote inclusion for every person. Ai-Media has grown every year and we now deliver over 100,000 hours of captioning and transcription content annually all over the world to various public organizations, broadcasters, high-education clients and private sector clients.

We work with hundreds of higher education institutions around the world, ensuring that lectures, meetings, and events on campus are accessible to everyone through live captions. That list includes many publicly funded colleges and universities here in Ontario, who have sought out Ai-Media’s services in order to meet AODA requirements and to support students and faculty.

Our commitment to quality stems from the inherent responsibility we commit ourselves to when providing services for the deaf and hard of hearing people. We developed the CART captioning platform Ai-Live to deliver live accurate captions in a modern way that included features such as ease of booking, the ability to view those captions easily on any device (smartphone, tablet, laptop) in a web browser, and the ability to access the transcript of the captioning output immediately – or to have it edited for higher accuracy. The core focus of our product and customer service is the elimination of barriers for the end-user’s experience. This drives our holistic commitment to quality and delivery. We’re not satisfied to simply deliver captions.

We’ve designed our platform and processes to reduce the administrative burden on the users of the service and on those who need to organize these services. Our portal allows for the booking of sessions, but we also have a 24/7 scheduling team who can assist with that process or deal with mass bookings. We don’t like to let issues lie and if there are any outages or incidents (which are extremely rare) we raise them immediately so that the client is never in the dark. Internally these incidents are systematically investigated, which requires not only an identification.

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