The Voice of OECM Customers: Member Spotlight

This issue marks the first installment in our Customer Council Committee Member spotlight series. We’d like to start by introducing Kevin Kobus, Chair of the Customer Council Committee. Kevin has been a member of the OECM Board of Directors since November 29, 2016!
Name: Kevin Kobus
Career: Currently an Associate with Promeus Executive Search, Kevin was once also a superintendent of employee relations, superintendent of schools, senior policy advisor to the Education Improvement Commission, Director of Education of the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board, Assistant Deputy Minister of Business and Finance with the Ontario Ministry of Education, Director of Education of the Toronto Catholic District School Board, and Executive Director of the Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association.
Education: Kevin holds a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Maths, Physics, Economics from the University of Windsor and a M.Ed., Educational Administration from the University of Toronto – OISE.
In his own words…
Why did you wish to join OECM’s CCC?
“I was “retiring again” in 2015 after a 45-year-career in education and wanted to serve on an NFP board to stay involved. About twenty years ago, I had served on another board dealing with public sector procurement and I liked the governance model that OECM was introducing at the time. Serving on the OECM board has allowed me to meet some very impressive people from other sectors such as the business world, as well as from the college and university sectors. The bottom line is that OECM was a good fit and I have enjoyed my four years on this board.”
What is one fun fact (unusual hobby or talent, did you know tidbit, etc.) you’d like to share?
“For over thirty years, I have enjoyed owning standard bred race horses. Along with my partners, we have won well over one hundred races, mainly at Woodbine and Mohawk. The training farm and the racetrack represent my “secret place”, where I could get away from the pressures associated with the various positions that I have held during my career. The racing community is full of its own share of “characters” and is totally different than the educational community. The absolute contrast between my profession and my hobby contributed to the element of escape. In retrospect, it kept me balanced through some challenging years because I always had somewhere to go.”
If you could have any one superpower, what would it be?
“If I had one superpower, it would be to be like John Sabo, CEO of OECM. He gets up before dawn, runs fifteen miles, climbs the CN tower, stops by the bowling alley to train, and has time to visit his grandson, and he does all of this on his way to work in the morning. And he is never late! P.S. I know that there is only one Superman!”
What is the number one thing on your bucket list?
“The number one thing on my bucket list is to “not kick the bucket”. My wife, Susan, and I will be celebrating our fiftieth wedding anniversary later this year and I don’t want to miss the travel and the party.”