Welcome from OECM’s President & CEO | Fall 2019

Welcome to the first issue of the OECM Connection, a new quarterly newsletter for OECM customers, suppliers and others interested in collaborative sourcing and OECM. We have created the OECM Connection to provide you, our customers, suppliers and stakeholders, with a unique, centralized meeting place where you can access the latest news on collaborative sourcing, OECM agreements and more. The newsletter also offers a space for you to learn more about how our organization is leading opportunities for greater collaboration amongst all our partners and across sectors.
This inaugural issue is packed with information relevant to both our supplier and customer partners. Topics range from an introduction to our new Supplier Recognition Pilot Program to expert advice on how our agreements can help you.
Our goal is to provide timely content that is most relevant to your needs, so we’ve also included information on our training sessions and webinars, newly awarded and updated agreements as well as an outlook on upcoming sourcing activities.
Our relationships with you are our top priority, and so we invite you to please have a look and let us know what you think. Your comments and feedback are most welcome and necessary in order to ensure that the newsletter content we create is serving your needs in the best way possible.
I want to add a special thank you to all of the individuals who work diligently every day to facilitate collaboration amongst and between Ontario Institutions. This newsletter is a testament to their hard work and dedication.
Stay tuned… our next newsletter will be released in the Winter. Thank you for your continued interest and support of OECM, and we look forward to connecting with you soon.
John A. Sabo B.Math; M.Ed; M.FAc; CPA,CA; C.Dir; A.C.C.
President & Chief Executive Officer