Welcome Message from OECM’s President and CEO, John Sabo | Spring/Summer 2021

Welcome to the Spring/Summer edition of the OECM Connection, our quarterly newsletter for OECM customers, supplier partners and others interested in collaborative sourcing and OECM. This spring, we marked one year since the World Health Organization (WHO) officially named COVID-19 a pandemic. Despite the challenges that we have collectively faced over the last 15 months, OECM has remained steadfast and focused on delivering exceptional service and consistent support to our customers and supplier partners. OECM’s 2020 Annual Report, released earlier this year, documents our journey through COVID-19 and beyond.
We have also learned a lot along the way. While OECM continues to prioritize business and operations, supporting our Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP), collaborating with government, building deeper partnerships with our suppliers and customers, and engaging in a greater number of strategic projects, we also deeply recognize the importance of upholding employee health and wellness, even more so during these extraordinary times. In this issue, we share some of the great employee wellness and HR initiatives that have been put into practice, including mental health and well-being workshops and resources as well as regular staff surveys to gather feedback about transitioning back-to-work in an office setting post-pandemic and when local restrictions are lifted. As part of our journey and commitment towards continual learning and enhanced awareness, we are excited to announce our partnership with the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion. CCDI will help to inform OECM regarding diversity and inclusion, human rights, and equity, so we can effectively address the full picture of diversity and inclusion at OECM.
We continue to support our customers and supplier partners throughout COVID-19, while also exploring new opportunities to engage with them through deeper connections. This includes the launch of targeted communications, such as our new OECM Municipal Marketplace newsletter, and the development of ideas for a CSSAR (Customer, Supplier & Staff Appreciation and Recognition) initiative. For now, we will focus on doing the work while looking ahead to a time when we can celebrate and acknowledge the value, contributions and dedication of our customers, supplier partners and staff in-person.
As always, we invite you to share your thoughts on our sixth edition of the OECM Connection. If there are additional ways that we can better meet your needs, articles that would resonate more deeply with you and your colleagues, or content you would like to contribute or share, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Thank you for your ongoing interest and support of OECM, and we look forward to our continued collaboration with you.
John A. Sabo B.Math; M.Ed; M.FAc; CPA,CA; C.Dir; A.C.C.
President & Chief Executive Officer