Advantages of Modular Construction: Sustainability, Cost, and Time Efficiency

Modular construction has emerged as a superior alternative to traditional construction methods, particularly regarding sustainability, cost savings, and time efficiency. Here’s a closer look at how these two approaches compare.

Sustainability: A Greener Approach

    Modular construction stands out for its impressive sustainability practices. Constructed in a controlled factory environment, modular buildings significantly reduce materials usage, energy consumption, and waste generation compared to traditional methods.

  • Energy Efficiency: According to the UK-based organization, The Waste and Resources Action Programme (WARP), modular buildings consume up to 67% less energy due to the efficiencies achieved in a factory setting.[3]
  • Waste Reduction: According to the Modular Building Institute, modular construction can reduce materials usage by up to 90%, mainly eliminating waste through precise manufacturing processes.[4]
  • Circular Economy: Modular construction methods support a circular economy model by allowing structures to be disassembled and reused, further minimizing environmental impact. This circular methodology ensures that modular buildings contribute to sustainable practices by adhering to building codes and standards, offering adaptability and enduring functionality like permanent construction.[5]

Standards such as CSA Z782 and Z783 promote material recovery and reuse, bolstering modular construction’s environmental benefits. The Modular Building Institute regularly conducts sustainability studies, showcasing environmental benefits and driving industry innovation.[6]

Cost Savings: Financial Advantages

– Peter Schoettle, Director of Sales and Service, BECC Modular

    • Here’s a snapshot of various cost-saving factors:

    • Predictable Project Costs: Modular construction’s controlled environment leads to fewer unexpected expenses and more accurate budgeting.
    • Shorter Construction Schedules: Reduced construction timelines result in lower labour costs and quicker return on investment.
    • Efficient Use of Materials: Factory-based production minimizes material waste, contributing to overall cost savings.

Leasing options for modular buildings also provide a flexible and cost-effective solution for temporary needs, further reducing operational expenses instead of capital expenses compared to traditional methods.

– Philippe Latreille, Copresident, AMB Modular

Leasing vs Other Alternatives, Leasing Modular, Buying Modular and Building Traditional
Slide courtesy of AMB Modular: Leasing vs Other Alternatives

Additionally, in Ontario, the removal of the provincial portion of the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) on qualifying new purpose-built rental housing can lead to cost savings for qualifying projects.[7]

Time Efficiency: Speed and Precision

– Chris Smith, Director of Sales – East, NRB Modular

Traditional school construction projects often take four to seven years from design to completion. They span multiple seasons and are susceptible to weather-related delays. On-site coordination issues and material/labour availability further extend completion times, posing challenges to timely project delivery.

One of the most significant advantages of modular construction is its ability to reduce project timelines drastically:

  • Faster Completion: Projects can be completed 30-50% faster than traditional construction, often within three to six months.
  • Concurrent Processes: Off-site module fabrication and on-site preparation occur simultaneously, minimizing delays.
  • Weather Independence: Controlled factory environments eliminate weather-related disruptions, ensuring consistent progress year-round.

Arriving almost fully assembled, modules expedite on-site assembly, ensuring efficient progress even in challenging environments with quick installation. This expedited timeline speeds up occupancy and reduces disruption in existing facilities, such as schools and hospitals.

BECC Modular illustrates the difference between traditional and modular construction project timelines below:

Time Studies: Schedule - Traditional vs. Modular
Slide courtesy of BECC Modular: Time Studies – Schedule – Traditional vs Modular

Durability and Longevity

    To ensure the durability and longevity of modular constructions, supplier partners adopt a comprehensive approach. This includes:

  • Adherence to CSA certification standards like CSA-A277, ensuring the use of high-quality materials that surpass traditional construction standards.
  • Use of high-quality, durable materials, such as hard-shelled exteriors, marine-grade aluminum, and certified recycled steel, for structural integrity and reduced maintenance costs.
  • Implementing rigorous quality control processes in factory settings to ensure precise construction and compliance with building codes, minimize errors, and enhance durability.
  • Making design considerations that account for transport and installation stress to maintain structural integrity post-assembly and conducting regular inspections and tailored maintenance strategies to ensure long-term durability.
  • Prioritizing reusable designs with high life expectancy to enhance overall durability and sustainability.

Steel Classroom Construction
Steel Classroom Construction, Images courtesy of BECC Modular

Risk Mitigation: Ensuring Success

Effective risk mitigation strategies are crucial to the success of modular building projects. These include:

  • Comprehensive Planning: Involving stakeholders early to minimize costly changes.
  • Quality Control: Factory settings ensure modules meet standards before transportation.
  • Safe Working Environment: Off-site construction reduces worker exposure to hazardous conditions.

These strategies collectively enhance project efficiency and minimize potential risks throughout the modular construction process.


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