OECM is excited to announce that a new and improved website will be launched later this year! While the URL will remain the same, (https://oecm.ca/) the new website will include key features that we know are important to both our customers and supplier partners.
OECM’s website rebuild partner conducted interviews with some of our customers and supplier partners to hear about specific improvements and suggestions for future functionality. Based on customer and supplier feedback, we’re working to build an enhanced experience for our stakeholders.
Key features will include:
- Self-serve functions
- Customer and supplier portals
- Ability to use e-signatures
- Ability for better interactions between customer/supplier and OECM!
- Ability to create ‘Watch lists’ and track new and/or upcoming OECM agreements
- Notifications:
- Retenders: When new agreements are becoming available
- New agreements pertaining to sector
- Ability to provide feedback to OECM about agreements and suppliers
- The ability for Supplier Partners to upload KPI reports
Stay tuned for launch details…coming your way later this year!