OECM Joins Canadian Collaboration for Sustainable Procurement (CCSP)

September 20, 2023

OECM recently shared an update on the development of an ESG strategy. Earlier this year, we conducted several Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Materiality Assessment sessions with stakeholders to develop a blueprint for OECM’s ESG strategy. Through dialogue and discussion, it was identified that fostering alliances with leading-edge organizations would enable OECM to contribute to an exchange of insights on best-in-class ESG policies and practices. “CCSP was identified as one such organization that OECM could join to increase our learning and knowledge regarding leading ESG policies and best practices,” says Jim Hadjiyianni, OECM’s Director of Business Development. “It’s one more step we’re taking to reaffirm our commitment to sustainable business practices.” 

OECM is very pleased to announce our membership with the Canadian Collaboration for Sustainable Procurement (CCSP).

Who is the CCSP?

CCSP is a non-profit organization addressing and advancing environmental, social, Indigenous, and ethical opportunities and risks in the Canadian public supply chain. Members of CCSP meet virtually to connect, exchange ideas, and collaborate on innovative tools and technologies to efficiently tackle ESG issues that directly and indirectly impact the procurement landscape. 

Click here to learn more about CCSP and to access their resources, including Sustainable Product Factsheets, Best Practice Framework Series, and ESG-related guides and reports. 

Partnering with CCSP aligns with OECM’s commitment to fostering and promoting a more sustainable supply chain with minimal impact on our environmental and social spheres. 

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