Supplier partner Telanet logo

209 Wicksteed Ave., Suite 43
Toronto, Ontario M4G 0B1


Telanet has been designing, installing, supporting and maintaining Security & Access Control solutions across Canada and the United States for more than 25 years. Telanet has always been a customer-first partner that delivers real value by providing intricate insight from experience serving high-profile, multi-national organizations; proven implementation and deployment plans; and diligent-yet-delightful project management. Telanet’s own in-house experts lead the delivery of professional services and ensure the successful completion of all implementations. The Telanet team also proudly benefits from a large and loyal network of technical specialists across Canada. As no two customers are the same, Telanet’s hard-earned, holistic view of interconnected technology offers clients exponentially more perspective on how best to address their unique business needs with world class technology. 

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