Unlocking the Potential of Collaboration

In this Fall 2024 issue of the OECM Connection, we spotlight OECM’s procurement advisory committees instituted as part of our commitment to excellent customer service and engagement, share our recent collaborative initiatives with the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO), tour the Global Furniture Group’s farm-to-table manufacturing hub, and much more!

- Highlights
Spotlighting: OECM’s School Board and College/University Procurement Advisory Committees
For the people, by the people – OECM’s School Board and College/University Procurement Advisory Committees provide critical oversight, expertise, and vital advice on existing and upcoming procurements. Learn more about how our committees help OECM deliver relevant product and service offerings.

- Highlights
Collaborating with the Métis Nations of Ontario (MNO)
OECM and the Métis Nations of Ontario (MNO) have collaborated again on the Métis Back-To-School Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) program to deliver back-to-school kits to Indigenous children and families. Learn more about our efforts to bolster relations with Indigenous and Métis Organizations through collaborative initiatives.

- Highlights
Latest Agreements Awarded
Our Marketplace continues to grow with several new and re-tendered agreements to serve the procurement needs of various sectors. We also re-tendered our highly utilized agreement, Courier Services, offering competitively priced domestic and international shipping services, as well as other offerings such as shipment insurance, reporting and analytics support, various freight services, and more!
Here’s an overview of our latest agreements launched in the last quarter.

- Highlights
Upcoming Agreements
Take a look at our upcoming agreements currently in the pipeline and learn about opportunities to participate in the sourcing process as a Project Advisor or Evaluator!

- Highlights
Educational Tour: OECM at Global Furniture Group
We turned the tables with an educational tour of Global Furniture Group, one of the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) on OECM’s Educational Furniture and Related Services and Office Space Furniture and Related Services agreement. In this overview of our visit to the Global Village manufacturing facility, learn how materials are sustainability-sourced and crafted into quality furniture.
Corporate Updates

- Corporate Updates
One New Member Appointed to OECM’s Customer Council Committee
OECM’s Customer Council Committee (CCC) recently welcomed David Jaulneau, Director of Commercial Practice, Enterprise Commercial Management at Metrolinx. David joins the committee as advisory members representing Ontario’s broader public sector.

- Corporate Updates
Empowering Municipal Procurement with Modern Technology Solutions
The integration of technology into municipal procurement is not just a trend but a necessity for future success. OECM’s Business Development Advisor Dan Munshaw and Senior Manager for Strategic Sourcing, Deepali Vasisht share insight on the emerging technologies paving the way for efficiencies and innovating the procurement processes.
Projects & Initiatives

- Projects & Initiatives
Announcing 2024-2025 Professional Learning Series
OECM, in partnership with Dell Technologies, is proud to announce the continuation of our successful Professional Learning (PL) Program series!
Building on the remarkable success of the past few years, the 2024-2025 program will focus on helping K-12 and post-secondary educators harness the power of Generative AI to improve teaching and learning. This series has been designed to support Ontario education but is available to educators nationwide.

- Projects & Initiatives
Industry Spotlight: Focus on Modular Construction
The latest issue of the Industry Spotlight explores the highs and lows of Modular Construction—its benefits, value, risks, and capabilities—as well as tips for maximizing opportunities and mitigating challenges at all stages of the modular building process.
Watch the introductory video to this issue.
Events & Community

- Events & Community
OECM’s Speaking Engagements
OECM presented insightful sessions at various conferences this fall on key topics, including Indigenous procurement, implementing new processes, and diversification in supply chains.

- Events & Community
Events, Webinars, and Conferences
We greatly value opportunities to interact and initiate dialogue with procurement partners and industry members. View a detailed list of events that we attended, as well as a list of events where you can find us next!

- Events & Community
Social Media
Follow us on our X and LinkedIn accounts for the latest news on OECM offerings available through our Marketplace, upcoming sourcing projects, sector events, and more! Be sure to follow OECM’s New President and CEO, Jim Hadjiyianni, on LinkedIn.
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