Welcome Message from OECM’s President and CEO, John Sabo | Winter 2021

Welcome to the Winter 2021 edition of the OECM Connection, our quarterly newsletter for OECM customers, supplier partners and others interested in collaborative sourcing and OECM. OECM recognizes the challenges that our customers and supplier partners have faced over the past several months and we remain steadfast and focused on delivering exceptional service and consistent support.
The OECM Connection newsletter demonstrates our commitment to communication and collaboration with our supplier partners and customers. Strengthened communication and effective collaboration between OECM, our supplier partners and our customers is valued, now more than ever.
Below are some highlights of our commitment to communication and collaboration:
- From the onset of the global pandemic in March 2020, OECM has been quick to respond to our customers’ needs, beginning with the launch of our COVID-19 newsletter— a beacon for up-to-date product and service news and related information, straight from our supplier partners to our customers!
- To further support our customers during COVID-19, we fast-tracked the launch of our Non-Medical Grade Masks Agreement and added access to Zoom Licensing through CDW’s Software License Agreement.
- In collaboration with the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services, we have:
- Secured 19 million masks, for a total of $22 million
- Procured approximately $30 million in disinfectant solution (wipes, 1L containers, 4L and 20L pails)
- OECM reviewed 257+ submissions through the Ontario Together Portal
- We continued to strengthen our collaboration with government partners, including the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (MGCS), the Ministry of Education (MEDU) and the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU)
- We built upon our partnership with the Council of Ontario Senior Business Officials (COSBO) and MEDU, and have now launched our OECM Facilities Support Team (OFST) to provide procurement and logistics support and assistance to School Boards for the COVID-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream – Education Related Projects (CVRIS-EDU)
- OECM’s Board of Directors also approved a new Multi-Year Strategic Plan with a focus on four areas: Expand Customer Participation, Enhance Product and Service Offerings, Improve Customer Experience, and Optimize Organizational Performance and Capacity
- Since April 2020, we’ve onboarded 25 new staff members to OECM, as part of our ongoing quest to provide consistent, accessible, and responsive service to all our customers and supplier partners
I am proud of the work we have done over the past year, particularly with regards to navigating COVID-19, and I look forward to supporting even greater opportunities for collaboration and communication throughout 2021 as we continue to assist our customers and work with our supplier partners through the pandemic and beyond.
As always, we invite you to share your thoughts on our fifth edition of the OECM Connection. If there are additional ways that we can better meet your needs, articles that would resonate more deeply with you and your colleagues, or content you’d like to contribute or share, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Thank you for your ongoing interest and support of OECM, and we look forward to our continued collaboration with you.
John A. Sabo B.Math; M.Ed; M.FAc; CPA,CA; C.Dir; A.C.C.
President & Chief Executive Officer