OECM and Ontario Public Buyers Association (OPBA) Establish Education Initiative Partnership

June 27, 2024

New three-year strategic project partnership will support the modernization of OPBA’s public procurement professional development and educational offerings.

OECM is thrilled to announce the establishment of a new collaborative partnership with the Ontario Public Buyers Association (OPBA), the non-profit professional association dedicated to representing public procurement professionals throughout Ontario.

The three-year project partnership establishes OECM as an OPBA Education Initiative partner and includes OECM’s support in the revitalization of OPBA’s Principles of Effective Public Procurement program and the development of a modernized learning platform, the Public Procurement Learning Lab. The partnership will focus on enhancing professional development and educational opportunities for public procurement professionals across Ontario.

“OECM is proud to partner with OPBA on this initiative and recognizes the profound value that comes from investing in professional development and continuous education, both in enhancing individual expertise as well as supporting organizational excellence and innovation,” says John Sabo, President and CEO of OECM. “In cultivating a culture of continuous learning, together with OPBA, we are empowering procurement professionals to better navigate complex challenges, embrace best practices, and deliver greater value to the communities they serve.”

The revitalized Principles of Effective Public Procurement program, which will be accessible to learners through the Public Procurement Learning Lab, will offer both instructor-led and self-directed learning. Additionally, the accompanying Principles textbook has been completely updated as part of this project.

“OPBA values our long-standing relationship with OECM, and we welcome this opportunity to engage in a formal partnership that benefits and supports the mission of both our organizations,” says Rozalyn Werner-Arcé, Executive Director of OPBA. “Through this collaborative engagement, we strive to enrich learning experiences, enhance public procurement practices, build learner’s skills, competencies, and leadership abilities, and elevate the procurement profession.”

OECM is committed to supporting and enhancing the public procurement profession in Ontario. As part of this initiative, OECM will have representation on OPBA’s new Business Advisory Council, be able to provide best-in-class professional development opportunities for OECM staff, share thought leadership and our expertise through education modules and other learning platforms, and more. This partnership further reinforces OECM’s commitment to building strategic partnerships that facilitate collaboration amongst and between all our partners and assist in creating pathways that support increased efficiencies and maximized opportunities for shared success across the public sector.

The Ontario Public Buyers Association (OPBA) is a non-profit professional association dedicated to representing public procurement professionals throughout Ontario. OPBA promotes the ethical and effective expenditure of public funds and encourages excellence in public procurement through their professional development opportunities, the promotion and support of certification programs, networking, and advocacy. 

For more information about the OPBA, please contact any board member or e-mail Kate Foster at members@opba.ca.

For more information about OECM, please contact our dedicated Customer Support team at OECM Customer Support or 1-844-OECM-900 (1-844-632-6900).

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