Expiration: May 31, 2027. There are no further extension options remaining.
Facilities Condition Assessment Services
Awarded Supplier Partners
Click on an awarded supplier partner’s name, ordered alphabetically in the column on the left, to view complete supplier details, contact information, zones serviced, as well as relevant agreement documents including the Master Agreement (MA), Customer-Supplier Agreement (CSA), price lists, and other related materials, as applicable.

Cion Corp.
All Zones
81 Kelfield Street, Unit 1
Toronto, Ontario M9W 5A3

Nadine International Inc.
All Zones
2325 Skymark Ave
Mississauga, Ontario L4W 5A9

Roth IAMS Ltd.
All Zones

207 – 1075 North Service Road West
Oakville, Ontario L6M 2G2
No Suppliers..!
What You’ll Get
- the development of financial scenarios that detail funding required to renew and upgrade facilities;
- the development of comprehensive facility deficiency reports that include mitigation strategies, detailed descriptions of repair methodologies, material requirements and preliminary budgetary requirement information; and,
- recommendations for repairs, renewals and replacements (only for projects valued at $10,000 or more).
- A walk-through visual inspection and a review of base building data and maintenance history.
- An assessment of the condition of your facility and identification of deficient components/elements.
- Inventory of building components, building systems, core facility information, and other elements, as required.
- The set-up, collection and submission of data to customers in a suitable format (reports and comments are provided at the standards of Uniformat II – Level 3 – a standard for classifying building specifications, cost estimation, and cost analysis in Canada and the USA).
- A site visit pilot or test run.
- The development of a detailed work service schedule.
A project lead will be provided by the supplier, who will oversee delivery of all of the services listed above, and will also act as the main contact for an assessment team, which will be comprised of at least two individuals. The project lead and assessment team are licensed to practice in Ontario, as architects or professional engineers.
Project Advisors
Choosing Your Supplier
To truly gain a competitive advantage, OECM suggests you consider working with a single strategic supplier partner for core requirements, wherever possible. This approach ensures a strong, value-added relationship with many advantages, including:
• exceptional supplier responsiveness;
• improved inter-operability;
• immediate access to innovation and new technology;
• time and cost-saving process improvement;
• access to training, and more.
Remember, OECM is available to support you in your decision-making.
Related Events
Asset Management: Using the Facility Condition Index and Heat Map Assessment for Effective Asset Management
January 11, 2018
10:00 am – 11:00 am

How Facility Condition Assessment Data Helped the Durham Catholic District School Board Build a Multi-Year Capital Plan
January 25, 2018
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

SRP Customer Satisfaction Survey
As a valued customer with direct purchasing experience with our Supplier Partners, your feedback in the Supplier Recognition Program is crucial. Customer feedback is one of the focus areas used for SRP evaluations and survey (Net Promoter Score, NPS) is used for a customer feedback mechanism. The survey includes the list of suppliers who are eligible to participate in each year’s SRP. Survey result will be collected and shared back with the supplier partner by OECM.